kleos issue 7
The seventh Kleos issue has been released! As always we are proud to present the work of starting scholars of (r)MA and PhD level. You can find the entire issue on our Academia page HERE.
See our Current Issue page for more information about the papers and authors and links to these papers!
What is KLEOS?
KLEOS is a peer-reviewed, open access academic online journal, launched in 2014, which publishes current research and review articles by graduate and PhD students, as well as starting independent researchers, from the fields of archaeology and ancient studies (i.e. classics and ancient History). The journal is published once a year and its main goal is to provide a possibility to graduate and PhD students to publish their research. The journal thus mainly aspires to serve as a platform for starting academic careers, and to help students and starting researchers to share their research, gain experience in publishing, and improve their scientific skills. At the same time the journal aims to provide an overview of the research being conducted within the fields of archaeology, ancient history and classics, and support the interdisciplinary dialogue between these adjacent academic disciplines.

The journal is an initiative of (R)MA and PhD students of the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA) of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The interdisciplinary editorial team consists of seven (R)MA and PhD students (two editors from each main study field and one chief-editor). This editorial team is supported by an academic advisory council of professors from the different disciplinary fields.